I love schedules.

I think I like schedules so much because it’s one part of my life I can control. I know it’s terrible… Virgo, perfectionist, needs life in order, anything out of order slightly freaks me out. I write EVERYTHING on my google calendar and I have been for the past 4 years and before that I wrote everything down on paper in an agenda. 10/25/07 I went to a dietician and a  Vosotros concert (my friend’s music label) in LA. 10/25/08 I got a facial and had wine and dessert for my friend’s bday in LA. 10/25/09 I took a train and hiked Cold Spring in NY. 10/25/10 I went to yoga at Strala in NY and today 10/25/11 I ran this morning, will pick up laundry later and get a pedicure.

I’ve learned to let go of the whole “well a year ago we did this so we have to do it again this year” because it makes me crazy. Like when I tried to have a picnic at the end of winter this year and it was still freezing cold but last year it was SO nice. fail.

see? delish!

I love life anniversaries. How long I’ve been at my job, lived on the east coast, lived in Manhattan and so on. I love dates, lists and schedules.

This week needs to be perfectly scheduled because I leave for 2 weeks on Friday and I had lots to get done. Sunday I was able to buy my hiking/biking backpack at Paragon Sports. Last night I dropped laundry off (20 lbs is $18!?!? that is crazy talk to me. I love doing my laundry and I think this will be a one time thing due to time and lack of laundry card) and I went to yoga. At Strala! Like I did a year ago today. Tonight I am going to pick up my laundry and get a pedicure. Tomorrow I’m going to take my pretty camera to the camera store to have the lens cleaned and MAYBE buy a new lens then go to dinner for my friend’s bday (same friend as wine and dessert in 08 :) ). Then Thursday morning I may go to kickboxing class in the morning and pack at night. Then I leave Friday. Not much room for error… It is definitely a personality trait I’d like to work on. Not freaking out when things go wrong…

ANYWAY why is it so difficult walking up stairs? I just ran a little over 3 miles this morning and was fine then when I started walking up my stairs I was immediately out of breath. It was also pitch black at 6:30am. My little over 3 miles looked something like this:

Yes I ran back and forth like four times. Well I ran down to the Christopher pier and did two loops then I thought that would be 15 minutes (I only had 3o minutes to run) but it wasn’t so I ran back up then back down for another loop then back home. The view from the Christopher pier is awesome and it was actually realllly beautiful today even though it was SO dark. Does it get lighter in the am after the time change? I always forget.

good morning

hello moon

the cat scratch on the map

So pretty right? My shins didn’t hurt woohoo! but the cold hair hurt my lungs and I actually may ask my doctor about asthma. I’m young and healthy and think my lungs can be a little stronger in every activity I do.  And I’m off to hike a glacier for 7 hours… awesome!

Yoga at Strala Yoga last night was good, except we didn’t really flow much and I love vinyasa flows. There are so many poses I want to work on so I think I’ll be making an appearance at yoga classes way more often. Have you heard of grasshopper? Ya me neither but it looks awesome. maybe it was called cricket?  I love how they have sanskrit names and animal names.

That’s all. ciao!

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